Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Businesses Are Closing On Every Corner...

Today was a nice sunny day in Weymouth so I took a drive around my neighborhood just to see what was going on.  As I was driving down the different streets there was at least one closed up business or empty building for lease on every street I drove down.

Businesses are vulnerable right now.  If customers aren't coming in then neither is the money.  If the money isn't coming in then there is no way to pay the bills.  And we all know that if the bills can't get paid, the doors are going to close.

My question is, don't these businesses realize that it does not have to be this way?  By making a few simple changes to your business plan you can not only keep your doors open but even increase sales.  Many of you might be asking how?

Simple.  Are you using the power of your online presence?  By using your website in a wise way, you can connect with customers, generate new business and increase sales.  If you don't know how, please let us know!  We can help!  We do not want to see another business' doors close needlessly.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What does SEO really mean and how important is it to your business?

If you are online at all then chances are you have heard the term search engine optimization or SEO.  Or even if you haven't heard of SEO I am sure you have heard of the search engines, such as Google for example.  It's the places you go to type in your search query so you can find some relevant results to what you are looking for.  And what is optimization?  It is to utilize the supreme power of something and make it it's best.  So if we put that together we are basically saying that we want to utilize the full power of the search engines. 

What does this mean for a website?  Well if you have a site that you want to get seen then obviously you will want it to appear in these search engine results I mentioned.  How do you get your website to appear?  There are certain techniques that you can use on your website and on places other than your main website that will cause the search engines to show your site in the search results when people are looking for services or products that your business provides. 

If you want your business to appear in revelvant search queries then you need to take the proper steps to make that happen.  What are those steps?

It is a series of sites that you network together.  You have your main website, and then you have the supporting Web 2.0 websites.  All these additonal sites link back to your main site and support your main site.  Sounds kind of complicated right?  That is why most businesses hire someone to do this for them.  If you are a business, obvious you have to run that business.  There is no time to take on running a completely different SEO business.  Focus on your business and let the SEO masters do the work for you!

For further reading on SEO please click here.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Quick Post About Neat Site I Found Today

I was watching a video today and discovered a great site called Thumbtack for advertising my business.  You can click here to see the posting for my business Sleek and modern websites to gain more clients

Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Strong Web Presence Adds Value to your Business

Having A Website Gives Your Clients More Value

Having a website is powerful.  It is having a whole new world right at your fingertips.  When you build a website you are making something that is available to many more thousands of people then you ever even imaged would know about your "little unknown business."  

Your website adds a lot of value to your business.  How you might ask?  Let's say your business hours are 8am-5pm.  Okay, a potential client has heard about your business and when they get home from work it is 7pm.  They want to call and ask you a few questions because they are thinking about coming in tomorrow.  They call and get your voicemail.  No information just a voice that's basically telling them right now, "we are not here to give you information about us.  Call when we are available."  

What is really going to happen is they are going to find someone who will have their questions answered right away.  There did you see it?  See what just happened?  You lost a client.  That was supposed to be your customer!  But you dropped the ball.  You were not there to answer their questions when they were ready to ask them.

But this doesn't have to be the case.  There is a better way.  What if you had a website that explained your business, answered frequently asked questions and more?  Then potential clients have access to information 24/7 so even if the only time they had to look was at 2am?

You see where I am going with this?  This is why a website is so valuable to your business.  But not just for those searching for you for the first time.  You can also use it to keep in contact with your clients and make sure everyone knows updates at once!  No need to call hundreds of people or sending out tons of envelopes and postcards.  You load the information once onto your website and it will be there for everyone to see!  

Bottom line is this- a website = more for your business' bottom line!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Reasons for Having a Blog or Website Have Changed A Lot

I remember the first time I had a blog. Myspace was becoming very popular and I opened a page to see what the fuss was all about. After getting the page setup, I saw a link for a blog. Blog? What the heck kind of word was "blog" and what was it for? Well there was a blank page almost like a Word document with smilies and that was about it. Hmm okay I guess I could just write about whatever I wanted right here. So I started writing these daily posts about my feelings, life as a high school student and whatever else teens were talking about back then. That was around 1995.

Blogs have changed a lot since then. People do not just use them like a diary anymore. A blog is good for businesses to communicate with an unlimited number of customers and potential clients. Others use blogs to post information about their organizations, families, vacations, children and just about anything else you can imagine.

We now have entire blogging platforms like Wordpress and Blogger like I am using right now.

Blogs are not just for posts either. There are websites built using blogging platforms that are customized for a unique look. The possibilities are pretty much endless.

If you need a blog or website setup click here.